Veracity 4

1. Elder, John, "Prophets, Idols and Diggers", Bobbs Merrill, New York, 1960, p. 16

2. J. Mann 'New Finds Cast Fresh Light on the Bible' U.S. News & World Report' 8/24/81 p.34

3. Allis, Oswald T., "The Old Testament: Its Claims and Its Critics", Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1972, pp. 172-173

4. Harrison, R.K., "Introduction to the Old Testament", Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI, 1969, pp. 60-61

5. Shelly, Rubel 'Prepare to Answer' Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1990 p.104

6. Millard, Alan 'Daniel and Belshazzar in History, Biblical Archaeological Review, May/June 1985 p.75

7. Ibid. p.77

8. Archer, Gleason L. 'A Survey of the Old Testament Introduction' Chicago: Moody Press 1973 p.371

9. Wilson, Joseph D. 'Did Daniel Write Daniel?' New York: Charles C. Cook n.d.

10. Frank, Henry T. 'Bible, Archaeology and Faith' Nashville: Abingdon Press 1971 p.74

11. Archer, op. cit., p. 176

12. Wright, G. Ernest 'The Study of the Bible Today and Tomorrow' University of Chicago Press 1947 p.148

13. Habermas, G.R. 'The Verdict of History' Thomas Nelson, Inc. 1988 p.152

14. Elder, op. cit.

15. McDowell, Josh 'He Walked Among Us' Here's Life 1988 p.215

16. Norman Geisler, Ron Brooks 'When Skeptics Ask' SP Publ. 1990 p.201

17. Michael J. Wilkins & J. P. Moreland - Gen. Ed., "Jesus Under Fire",, "Where Do We Start Studying Jesus?" - Craig L. Blomberg, Zondervan Publ. House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1995, pp. 40-41

18. Ramsay, William M. 'St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen' Baker ,1982 p.8

19. Allis, pp. 175-176