From where did humanity come?
- The warring philosophies of origin
- Is the war over origins about God?
- How do we know who is right?
- The prehistory of evolutionary theory
- Darwin's predecessors
- Darwin's theory in Europe
- Darwin's theory in America
- Darwin's theory in religion
- How Darwin arrived at his theory
- Darwinism as modernized per modern DNA studies
- Problems with neo-Darwinian evolution
4. Finally, the missing links!
- The search for transitional forms
- Finally, the missing links:
- Neanderthal Man
- Java Man or Pithecanthropus Erectus
- Piltdown Man
- Nebraska Man
- Ramapithecus
- Lucy or Australopithecines
- Tools of monkeys or men?
- The evolution of the horse
- The evolution of the finch
- The evolution of the moth
5. Evolutionists on neo-Darwinism
- Modern evolutionists on Darwinian evolution
- Evolution theory #2: punctuated equilibria
- As modernized per DNA studies
- Problems with punctuated equilibria
- Evolution theory #3: directed panspermia
- 1970's to the present
- The latest update
- Problems with directed panspermia
- Evolutionists on directed panspermia
- What is intelligent design theory?
- How does IDT relate to origins?
- IDT and the origin of DNA
9. Intelligent design theory on the nature of the universe
- IDT and the nature of the universe
- Is it unscientific to infer design?
- What is creation science?
- How important is Scripture to creation science?
- The last word on evolution vs. creation