A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia's powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to "hunt down" and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam [being historically spread by the sword].
Sheikh Abubukar Hassan Malin urged Muslims to find the pontiff and punish him for insulting the Prophet Mohammed and Allah...
"Whoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim,"...
- The Age, 9/18/06
JERUSALEM - Two journalists kidnapped in Gaza were released unharmed today after being forced at gunpoint to say on a videotape that they had converted to Islam.
- New York Times, 8/27/06
Islamic website offers tips on killing foreigners in Saudi Arabia... "In order to carry out the mission when the time comes you must possess a weapon (a handgun or a submachine gun), or a good knife, if you're interested in butchering the infidel…"
- Ynet News, 8/25/06
"For I have resolved without retarding of time, to ruin both you and your People, to take the German Empire according to my pleasure, and to leave in the Empire a Commemortion of my dreadful Sword, that it may appear to all, it will be a pleasure to me, to give a publick establishment of my Religion, and to pursue your Crucified God, whose Wrath I fear not, nor his coming to your Assistance, to deliver you out of my hands.
I will according to my pleasure put your Sacred Priests to the Plough, and expose the Brests of your Matrons to be Suckt by Dogs and other Beasts.
You will therefore do well to forsake your Religion, or else I will give Order to Consume you with Fire."
- from the Ottoman Declaration of War on Emperor Leopold
Islam and jihad
10) Jihad - the first 1,300 years
CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida in Iraq warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran's supreme leader called for more protests over the pontiff's remarks on Islam.
..."You and the West are doomed"...
- Associated Press, 9/19/06
TEHRAN, Iran - At the October 26, 2005, Tehran conference, [Iran president Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad spoke ... Ahmadinejad said Iran has developed a strategic "war preparation plan" for what it calls the "destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization."- World Net Daily, 10/17/06
Legacy of the religion of peaceAs shown above, violent jihad and its proponents are threatening the West as you read this. How many of those threats are credible and how many are empty bravado is anyone's guess, but some fraction are real. Islamic jihad is killing people around the world - a toll that is being added to every week.
This rage against civilization is nothing new. The first thousand years of Islamic jihad took far more lives than the 9/11 attacks and spread far greater terror. Early Muslims systematically killed huge portions of their non-Islamic neighbors, and their jihadi warriors pushed far north in an attempt to convert or eradicate much of Europe. Jihad was then, as it is now, primarily a product of Islamic theology - not a reaction against American policies, George Bush, western decadence, or anything else. The West may have its share of vice and shortcomings, but it was centuries of Islamic jihad that provoked that violent defensive thrust from Europe referred to as the First Crusade.
The history of Islamic jihad which led up to the First Crusade is briefly summarized below. Scan the timeline if just to ask yourself if or at what point YOU would have ordered a defensive strike:
622 Muhammad and approximately 75 to 200 followers are driven out of Mecca by persecution. They are invited to take refuge in the farming community of Medina, and arrive on September 24, 622. For multiple reasons, Muhammad and his Muhajirun establish a religious syndicate. Resistance to recognize Muhammad's religious authority is perhaps for the first recorded time met with violence.623 Muhammad adopts the legitimized Bedouin practice of raiding and killing and takes to ambushing caravans. Raiding attacks at Waddam, Safwan, and Dul-'Ashir take place.
624 A vast annual merchant convoy of great value is headed from Mecca to Syria. It is supported by many troops, well aware of Muhammad's reputation by this time. In March of 624, Muhammad successfully ambushes it at Badr. His strategy of overcoming superior numbers is credited to shrewd tactics and, perhaps for the first time, the promise of heavenly orgies and wealth for all who die while fighting for him. The financial blow to Mecca is significant; the newfound wealth to Muhammad and the Muhajirun more so.
624 Attacks are made upon Bani Salim, Eid-ul-Fitr, Zakat-ul-Fitr, Bani Qainuqa, Sawiq, Ghatfan, and Bahran.
625 Attacks made at Uhud, Humra-ul-Asad, Banu Nudair, and Dhatur-Riqa.
626 Attacks at Badru-Ukhra, Dumatul-Jandal, and Banu Mustalaqq Nikah.
627 Battle of the Trench (where Muhammad is significantly wounded). Additional battles fought at Ahzab, Bani Quraiza, Bani Lahyan, Ghaiba, and Khaibar.
628 Unable to attain victory over the Quarish of Mecca, Muhammad signs the Al-Hudaybiyya - a ten year peace treaty.
630 Eighteen months after signing the agreed upon ceasefire, Muhammad marshals his forces outside Mecca. During the Holy Truce months he surprise attacks and conquers Quarish forces. His violation of the peace treaty is celebrated as the first "hudna".
630 Two years before Muhammad's death of a fever, he launches the Tabuk Crusades, in which he led 30,000 jihadists against the Byzantine Christians. He had heard a report that a huge army had amassed to attack Arabia, but the report turned out to be a false rumor. The Byzantine army never materialized.
He turned around and went home, but not before extracting "agreements" from northern tribes. They could enjoy the "privilege" of living under Islamic "protection" (read: not be attacked by Islam), if they paid a tax. This tax sets the stage for Muhammad's and the later Caliphs' policies. If the attacked city or region did not want to convert to Islam, then they paid a jizya tax. If they converted, then they paid a zakat tax. Either way, money flowed back to the Islamic treasury in Arabia or to the local Muslim governor.
632-634 Under the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, the Muslim Crusaders reconquer and sometimes conquer for the first time the polytheists of Arabia. These Arab polytheists had to convert to Islam or die. They did not have the choice of remaining in their faith and paying a tax.
633 The Muslim Crusaders, led by Khalid al-Walid, a superior but bloodthirsty military commander, whom Muhammad nicknamed the Sword of Allah for his ferocity in battle (Tabari, 8:158 / 1616-17), conquer the city of Ullays along the Euphrates River (in today's Iraq). Khalid captures and beheads so many that a nearby canal, into which the blood flowed, was called Blood Canal (Tabari 11:24 / 2034-35).
633 Additional attacks at Oman, Hadramaut, Kazima, Walaja, Ulleis, and Anbar.
634 At the Battle of Yarmuk in Syria the Muslim Crusaders defeat the Byzantines. Today Osama bin Laden draws inspiration from the defeat, and especially from an anecdote about Khalid al-Walid... Osama bin Laden quotes Khalid and says that his fighters love death more than we in the West love life.
634 Additional attacks on Basra, Damascus, Ajnadin, Namaraq, and Saqatia. Around 4,000 Jewish, Christian, and Samaritan peasants are executed from Gaza to Cesarea. Muslim chronicler Baladhuri would later record in the ninth century that 40,000 Jews had successfully been destroyed in Cesarea by his day.
634 Abu Bakr calls for a war against infidels.
634-644 The Caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, who is regarded as particularly brutal.
635 Muslim Crusaders besiege and finally conquer Damascus. Additional battles of Bridge, Buwaib, and Fahl.
636 Muslim Crusaders defeat Byzantines decisively at Battle of Yarmuk.
637 Muslim Crusaders conquer Iraq at the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah (some date it in 635 or 636).
638 Defeating Roman forces, Muslim Crusaders conquer and annex Jerusalem, taking it from the Byzantines.
638-650 Muslim Crusaders conquer Iran, except along Caspian Sea.
639 Thousands die from starvation in and around Constantinople due to ravaged and burned fields by Islamic raiders.
639-642 Muslim Crusaders conquer Egyptian forces.
641 Muslim Crusaders control Syria and Palestine.
642 Battle of Ravy in Persia.
643 Conquest of Azarbaijan.
643-707 Muslim Crusaders conquer North Africa.
644 Caliph Umar is assassinated by a Persian prisoner of war; Uthman ibn Affan is elected third Caliph, who is regarded by many Muslims as gentler than Umar.
644-650 Muslim Crusaders conquer Cyprus, Tripoli in North Africa, and establish Islamic rule in Iran, Afghanistan, and Sind.
648 Byzantine campaign begins.
656 Caliph Uthman is assassinated by disgruntled Muslim soldiers; Ali ibn Abi Talib, son-in-law and cousin to Muhammad, who married the prophet's daughter Fatima through his first wife Khadija, is set up as Caliph.
656 Battle of the Camel, in which Aisha, Muhammad's wife, leads a rebellion against Ali for not avenging Uthman's assassination. Ali's partisans win.
657 Battle of Siffin between Ali and Muslim governor of Jerusalem, arbitration goes against Ali.
658 Battle of Nahrawan.
659 Egypt finally falls to Islamic crusaders.
661 Murder of Ali by an extremist; Ali's supporters acclaim his son Hasan as next Caliph, but he comes to an agreement with Muawiyyah I and retires to Medina.
661-680 the Caliphate of Muawiyyah I. He founds Umayyid dynasty and moves capital from Medina to Damascus
673-678 Arabs besiege Constantinople, capital of Byzantine Empire
680 Massacre of Hussein (Muhammad's grandson), his family, and his supporters in Karbala, Iraq.
685 During the Caliphate of of Abd-al-Malik, Christian farmers of the Negev and Samaria are driven out. Pillaged and abandoned, the farms go desolate.
687 Battle of Kufa.
691 Dome of the Rock is completed in Jerusalem, six decades after Muhammad's death.
700-720 Abd al-Malik singles out Christians for forced conversion to Islam or death - often by crucifixion.
705 Abd al-Malik restores Umayyad rule.
710-713 Muslim Crusaders conquer the lower Indus Valley.
711-713 Muslim Crusaders conquer Spain and impose the kingdom of Andalus. Also invade Gibraltar.
713 Conquest of Multan.
716 Invasion of Constantinople.
719 Cordova, Spain, becomes seat of Arab governorship.
732 The Muslim Crusaders are stopped at the Battle of Poitiers; that is, Franks (France) halt Arab advance. The Battle of Tours.
741 The Battle of Bagdoura in North Africa.
746 The Battle of Rupar Thutha.
768 The Battle of Ravy.
749 The Abbasids conquer Kufah and overthrow Umayyids.
750 The Battle of Zab.
756 Foundation of Umayyid emirate in Cordova, Spain, setting up an independent kingdom from Abbasids.
762 Foundation of Baghdad
772 Caliph al-Mansur visits Jerusalem and orders an identifying mark be stamped on the hands of all Christians and Jews.
777 The Battle of Saragossa in Spain.
785 Foundation of the Great Mosque of Cordova
786-809 During the Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid, Christians and Jews are ordered to wear yellow identification patches on their clothing. Eventually yellow would be used to signify "Jew" and blue used to identify "Christian". Neither Jews nor Christians were allowed to wear green - green was reserved for use by Muslims only.
789 Rise of Idrisid emirs (Muslim Crusaders) in Morocco; foundation of Fez; Christoforos, a Muslim who converted to Christianity, is executed.
800 Autonomous Aghlabid dynasty (Muslim Crusaders) in Tunisia.
807 Caliph Harun al-Rashid orders the destruction of non-Muslim prayer houses and of the Church of Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem.
809 Aghlabids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Sardinia, Italy.
813 Christians in Palestine are attacked; many flee the country.
831 Muslim Crusaders capture of Palermo, Italy; raids in Southern Italy.
847-861 Under Caliph al-Mutawakkil, once again Christians and Jews are required to wear the blue and yellow patches, respectively.
850 Caliph al-Matawakkil orders the destruction of non-Muslim houses of prayer, and orders Christians and Jews to attach wooden devils to the doors of their homes.
855 Revolt of the Christians of Hims (Syria)
837-901 Aghlabids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Sicily, raid Corsica, Italy, France.
869-883 Revolt of black slaves in Iraq.
909 Rise of the Fatimid Caliphate in Tunisia; these Muslim Crusaders occupy Sicily, Sardinia.
928-969 Byzantine military revival, they retake old territories, such as Cyprus (964) and Tarsus (969).
937 The Ikhshid, a particularly harsh Muslim ruler, writes to Emperor Romanus, boasting of his control over the holy places.
937 The Church of the Resurrection (known as Church of Holy Sepulcher in Latin West) is burned down by Muslims; more churches in Jerusalem are attacked .
960 Conversion of Qarakhanid Turks to Islam
966 Anti-Christian riots in Jerusalem
969 Fatimids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Egypt and found Cairo.
970 Seljuks enter conquered Islamic territories from the East.
973 Israel and southern Syria are again conquered by the Fatimids.
998-1030 The seventeen Indian campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazna.
1003 First persecutions by al-Hakim; the Church of St. Mark in Fustat, Egypt, is destroyed.
1009 Looting and destruction of the Church of the Resurrection by al-Hakim (see 937). Also included removing the physical foundation of the building and the adjacent cemetery.
1012 Beginning of al-Hakim's oppressive decrees against Jews and Christians. Decrees like having to wear black turbans, Christians having to wear a cross around their necks the length of a cubit and five "ratl"s in weight, Jews having to wear a wooden calf around their necks of the same weight,...
1015 Earthquake in Palestine; the dome of the Dome of the Rock collapses.
1031 Collapse of Umayyid Caliphate and establishment of 15 minor independent dynasties throughout Muslim Andalus
1048 Reconstruction of the Church of the Resurrection completed
1050 Creation of Almoravid (Muslim Crusaders) movement in Mauretania; Almoravids (also known as Murabitun) are coalition of western Saharan Berbers; followers of Islam, focusing on the Qur'an, the Hadith, and Maliki law.
1055 Seljuk Prince Tughrul enters Baghdad, consolidation of the Seljuk Sultanate.
1055 Confiscation of property of Church of the Resurrection
1066 An Arab mob seizes the vizier of Granada, Spain, Joseph HaNaid, and crucifies him. Muslims massacre the city's Jewish quarter that night, December 30 - an approximate 5,000 murdered.
1071 Battle of Manzikert, Seljuk Turks (Muslim Crusaders) defeat Byzantines and occupy much of Anatolia.
1071 Turks (Muslim Crusaders) invade Palestine.
1073 Conquest of Jerusalem by Turks (Muslim Crusaders)
1075 Seljuks (Muslim Crusaders) capture Nicea (Iznik) and make it their capital in Anatolia.
1076 Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) (see 1050) conquer western Ghana.
1077 Atsiz b. Awaq marches on Jerusalem promising to give them quarter. They open the gates to him whereby his forces slaughter 3,000. Awaq proceeds to repeat variants of this successful feint at Ramla, Gaza, al-'Arish, Damascus, and Jaffa.
1085 Toledo is taken back by Christian armies.
1086 Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) (see 1050) send help to Andalus, Battle of Zallaca.
1090-1091 Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) occupy all of Andalus except Saragossa and Balearic Islands.
1094 Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus I asks western Christendom for help against Seljuk invasions of his territory; Seljuks are Muslim Turkish family of eastern origins; see 970.
1095 Pope Urban II preaches the first Crusade; composed largely of civilian volunteers, the initial thrust is utterly slaughtered. A second attempt by government soldiers captures Jerusalem in 1099. (Come the 20th century, all the aforementioned provocations would be forgotten by many, and this year misremembered as the year Christianity went on a senseless killing spree.)
1165 Jews in Yemen forced into converting to Islam or killed.
1275 Jews in Morroco forced into converting to Islam or killed.
1333 Jews in Baghdad forced into converting to Islam or killed.
1453 The conquest of Constantinople.
1465 Fez - Arab mobs attempt to purge all their resident Jews, leaving only 11 out of thousands.
1678 Jews in Yemen again forced into converting to Islam or killed.
1683 About the time a nervous King Louis XIV of France was cutting a deal with Ottoman empire Sultan Mehmet IV, Polish hussars led by King Jan Sobieski led a devastating attack against the Sultan's superior forces at the gates of Vienna. It was so successful and so shocked the Muslim army that this September 12 battle saw the last Turkish siege of Vienna and the turning point in the thousand year armed expansion of Islam. The Ottoman empire's northern borders would only shrink from here on.
1785 Ali Burzi Pahsa attempts to purge Libya of Jews.
1790-1792 Jews in Morroco forced into converting to Islam or killed.
1804-1817 Conquest of West Africa by Uthman dan Fodio.
1805 Muslims of Algiers massacre Jews.
1815 Muslims of Algiers massacre Jews.
1830 Muslims of Algiers massacre Jews.
1864-1880 Three hundred Jews killed in Marrakesh, Morocco.
1894 Ottoman Turks massacre over 200,000 Christian Armenians.
1915 An additional 600,000 to 800,000 Armenians massacred by the Islamic government and their property seized for protesting sharia law in their country.
*** Twentieth and twenty-first-century jihad continued here ***
[The Saudi government] "warned against hurling charges of terrorism and fascism at Muslims without regard to the spotless history of Islamic civilization", the statement said.
- Yahoo News, 8/15/06
Centuries of jihad forced Islam upon Europeans and Middle Easterners upon pain of death. This preceded, and to a great extent caused, the Crusades.
Yet you'd think the Crusades came out of nowhere judging by how seldom this is explained. Even my own writings used to give it just a couple paragraphs.
But now, not a month goes by without an individual or group demanding global jihad against the U.S. or some other party.
TO WHY Islamic jihadists want to war against us, non-Muslims usually misunderstand
because so few know or will admit to Islam's history. Thus
continued silence on the history of Islamic jihad is wrong. This chapter is
a step towards correcting that.
Special thanks to James M. Arlandson for his extensive writings on jihad.
His general timeline, used with permission, was the basis for the abbreviated
and appended version that follows. Find more of his writings at Answering-Islam.org.